Formulaire de commentaires sur le service et l’accessibilité Merci d’avoir visité la FHCC! Nos clients et nos membres sont importants pour nous et nous essayons de répondre à leurs besoins. Cliquez ici pour lire notre politique sur l’accès facile. Date de contact avec la FHCC Emplacement Êtes-vous satisfait du service à la clientèle que vous avez reçu? Yes No Somewhat Notre service à la clientèle a-t-il été fourni de manière accessible? Yes No Somewhat Avez-vous éprouvé des difficultés pour avoir accès à nos services? Yes No Somewhat Coordonnées (facultatif) Nom: No téléphone: Courriel: Choisissez le nom de la coopérative* (bookkeeper) Margaret Crossley (Generic Potential Future Co-op) (staff manager) Glenda Pohl (staff manager) Marlene Patterson (staff manager) Sheela Vincent 11 Warwick Co-operative Housing Inc. 1190 Burrard 1210 Seymour 15 Thorncliffe Park Co-operative Homes 1678 Fort Street Housing Co-operative 1720 Kingsway 1741186 Ontario Ltd. 175 Cooperative 177 West Pender 1837 Main Street 2 Mascot Place Co-operative Homes 272 Caroline St S Housing Co-operative Inc. 2739095 Ontario Inc 50 Plus Housing Co-operative Inc. 55 Howard Park Co-operative Homes 91 Spencer Avenue Housing Co-operative Aaron Webster / 95 East 1st Aaron Webster / E Pender Aaron Webster Housing Co-operative Abbotsford Co-operative Housing Abby Road Housing Co-operative Abby Road Support Services ABC Housing Co-operative Abiwin Co-operative Inc. Abstract to Earth Consultants Inc. Acaxual Housing Group Co-op Access / Site 1 (North 2829 East 8th Ave) Access / Site 2 (North 2812-2838 East 7th Ave) Access / Site 3 (South Apt - 2864-2892 East 5th Ave) Access Building Association Access Housing Co-operative Acme (Sample) Action-Habitation de Québec inc. Acton House Housing Co-operative Adam Oliver Housing Co-operative Inc. Adanac Village Housing Co-operative Society Adeyinka Adeosun Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Affordable Property Management Aggressive Hamster International Test Group Agincourt Co-operative Homes Inc. Agnes Macphail Community Co-operative Homes Inc. Ahneen Co-operative Homes Inc. Ainslie Wood Housing Co-operative Inc. Ajax Municipal Housing Corporation Alberni Family Housing Co-operative Alberta 75 Housing Co-operative Limited Alberta Community and Co-operative Association Alberta Federation of Labour Alberta Metis Rural Housing Albro Court Housing Co-operative Alder Bay Housing Co-operative Aldergrove Housing Co-operative Alex Brodsky Alex Girvin Housing Co-operative Inc. Alex Laidlaw Housing Co-operative Alexander Laidlaw Housing Co-operative Alexander MacKenzie Housing Co-operative Alexander Street Co-operative Alexandra Park Housing Co-operative Alexandra Wilson Alf Toone Housing Cooperative Alfred Haenchen Housing Co-operative Algoma Residential Co-operative Inc. Allan Gaudreault Allen Kraul Inc. Alliance Housing Co-operative (ON) Almise Co-operative Homes Inc. Alpine Property Management AM Management Services Ltd. Ambleview Place Housing Co-operative American Institute of Co-operation Amicae Housing Cooperative Andes Heritage Co-operative Inc. Andras Place Housing Co-operative Andy Andras Housing Co-operative for Seniors Inc. Angela Boston Angus Co-operative Homes Inc. Anita Lewis Housing Co-operative Ann Marie Hill Housing Co-operative Inc. Annapolis Valley Labour Council Anne Donkervoort Anskar Court Housing Co-operative Antrim Place Housing Co-operative Apex Property Management & Consulting Inc. APHL APHL (PEI) Apollo Housing Co-operative Society Ltd. Apple Blossom Housing Co-operative Ltd. Applegarth Co-operative Homes Applegate Co-operative Housing Applegrove Co-operative Homes Applemead Co-operative Homes Inc. Appleridge Co-operative Homes Inc. Arauco Housing Co-operative Arboretum Housing Co-operative Arbour Village Co-operative Homes Inc. Arbutus Housing Cooperative ARC Research Co-operative Arcadia Housing Co-operative Inc. Arctic Co-operatives Ltd. Argyle Park Housing Co-operative Arland Mews Housing Co-operative Arlington Grove Housing Co-operative Arnprior Housing Authority Art Burke Housing Co-operative Artemis Housing Co-op Arthex Property Management (1983) Inc. Artisan Co-operative Homes Inc. Arts Hub Housing Co-operative Artspace Housing Co-operative Ltd. Ascent Real Estate Management Ascot Co-operative Homes Inc. Ascot Park Housing Co-operative Ltd. Asgard Green Co-operative Homes Ashley Jennifer Perna Ashley Mar / Site 1 (8460 Ash St) Ashley Mar / Site 2 (8495 Cambie St) Ashley Mar Housing Co-operative Ashwood Co-operative Homes Inc. Ashworth Square Co-operative Aspen Woods Co-op Assembly of First Nations Assiniboia Community Housing Co-op Assiniboine Credit Union Ltd. Associa British Columbia Associated Property Management Association des Groupes de Ressources Techniques du Québec, Bureau de Montréal Atahualpa Co-operative Homes Atelier Habitation de Montréal Athol Green Co-operative Homes Incorporated Atira Property Management Atkinson Housing Co-operative Inc. Atlantic Housing Co-operative Atlantic Sea Change Co-operative Housing Ltd. Atlantis Housing Co-operative Aurora Village Housing Co-operative Auxilium Properties Inc. Avalon Housing Co-operative Aventine Co-operative Homes Inc. Avondale Housing Co-operative AVONMORE CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING CORPORATION Aykler Real Estate B and M Management B.C. and Yukon Territory Building Trades Council B.C. Tree Fruits Bain Apartments Housing Co-operative Inc. Bakerview Housing Co-operative Balfour Co-operative Homes Inc. Balkwill & Associates Bamburgh Circle Housing Co-operative Banbury Cross Housing Co-operative Inc. Bannerman Green Not-for-profit Housing Co-operative Barbara Millsap Barbertown Co-operative Homes Inc. Barbour Manors Housing Co-operative Society Ltd. Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic Bard of Avon Housing Co-operative Inc. Barsa Kelly/Cari-Can Co-operative Homes Inc. Baugenossenschaft Dennerstasse Selbsthilfe eG Bayanihan Non-Profit Co-operative Homes Inc. BC Non-Profit Housing Association BDO Dunwoody Beacon Property Management Services Beaton Fitzpatrick Murray Beaver Creek Housing Co-operative Inc. Beaver Hall Artists' Co-operative Inc. Beckley Farm Housing Co-operative Beech Hall Housing Co-operative Beechwood Co-operative Homes Inc. Bellamy Housing Co-operative Inc. Belle River Co-operative Homes Inc. Belmead Housing Co-operative Benryk Mews Housing Co-operative Beothuck Housing Co-operative Society Ltd. Berg Kennedy Cleaver Broad Barristers Berkley Property Management Inc. Betelstadur Housing Co-operative LTD. Bethany Co-operative Homes Inc. Bethune Housing Co-operative Inc. Better Living Residential Co-operative Inc. Beverley/Sullivan Housing Co-operative Inc. Bienvenido Mercado Morris Bill Carey Birch Cliff Housing Co-operative Birch Glen Co-operative Homes Inc. Birch Housing Co-operative Birchwood Meadow Housing Co-operative Birmingham Homes Co-operative Birtch Place Co-operative Homes Black Creek Co-operative Homes Inc. Black Rose Housing Co-operative Blue Heron Co-operative Homes Inc. Blue Skies / Site 1 (4420 Bella Vista Rd) Blue Skies / Site 2 (4501 20th Street) Blue Skies Housing Co-operative Blueberry Commons Farm Cooperative Blueberry Vale Housing Co-operative Bluestem Housing Co-operative Bob and Kay Carlin Housing Co-operative Bogart Creek Co-operative Homes Inc. Bogle, Duska, Robinson, Perry Boligselskabernes Landsforening (BL) Bonaventure Place Housing Co-op Border City Co-operative Homes Border Hills Housing Co-operative Ltd. Border Towne Co-operative Homes Borealis Housing Co-operative Borelia Co-operative Homes Inc. Bounty Housing Co-operative Bowen Island Seniors Housing Co-operative Bowmanville Valley Co-operative Homes Bracken Heights Housing Co-operative Brambles Housing Co-operative Brandon Seniors for Seniors Co-op Inc Brant Park Co-op Apts LTD Bread and Roses Co-operative Homes (Kitchener) Inc. Brian W. Zelley Briar Rose Co-operative Homes Inc. (ON) Briar Rose Estates Housing Co-operative Ltd. (AB) Briarview Co-operative Homes Inc. Bridge End Housing Co-operative Inc. Bridge Housing Co-operative Bridgeman & Durksen BridgePort Realty Capital Partners Inc. Bridle Manor Co-operative Incorporated Bridletowne Circle Co-operative Homes Inc. Brierly Housing Co-operative Brighton Yards Housing Co-operative Brimell Court Co-operative Britannia Glen Co-operative Homes British Columbia Co-operative Association British Columbia Federation of Labour Brittany Lane Housing Co-operative Broadoaks Housing Cooperative Broadview Housing Co-operative Broadview Housing Co-operative Inc. (ON) Brock Seaway Housing Co-operative Brookfield Housing Co-operative Inc. Brooks Co-operative Homes Inc. Brooksford Place Housing Co-operative Brookside Village Co-operative Homes Brow of the Hill Housing Co-operative Bruce Lewis Bruce Woodrow Brydges Property Management Buchan, Lawton, Parent Ltd. Bulat and Boustie Bureau International du Travail Section Des Périodiques-Bibliotheque Burlington Apartments Ltd. Burlington Heights Housing Co-operative Burnhamwood Co-operative Homes Inc. Burquitlam Co-operative Housing Association Burrardview Housing Cooperative By-de-Molen Co-operative Homes Inc. Byrne Creek Housing Co-operative Byron Meadows Community Housing Co-operative C.H.A.S.S.A. C.H.O.A. Condominium Home Owners Association of B.C. C.L.C. Social and Community Programs Caber Distributors Inc. Cabot Housing Co-operative Cactus Rose Housing Society Cahiague Co-operative Homes Inc. Cambrian Co-operative Housing Corporation Cambridge - New Hope Housing Co-operative Camelot Housing Co-operative Society Ltd. Cameo Co-operative Housing Association Cameron Avenue Cohousing Co-operative Ltd. Campden Green Co-operative Homes Inc. Campus Co-operative Residence Inc. (ON) Campus Residence Co-operative Association Cana Management Associates Ltd. Canadian Credit Union Association Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research Canadian Hispanic Village Housing Co-operative Canadian Home Builders Association Canadian Housing and Renewal Association (C.H.R.A.) Canadian Labour Congress Canadian Resource Centre on Children and Youth Canadian Union of Public Employees Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation Canora Housing Co-operative Cape Breton Regional Assoc. Authority Capilano / Site 1 (808) Capilano / Site 2 (856) Capilano Housing Co-operative Cardiff Housing Co-operative Inc. Cardinus Housing Co-operative Inc. Cardston Court Housing Co-operative Cariboo Heights Housing Co-operative Caribou Housing Co-operative Carillon Co-operative Housing Incorporated Carlson Wagonlit Travel Carmel Apartments Ltd. Carol Davis Caroline Co-operative Homes Inc. Carolyn Hudson Carpathia Housing Co-operative Carpenter Housing Co-operative Inc. Carpenters Local 27 Housing Co-operative Inc. Carruthers Road Housing Co-operative Cartier Square Housing Co-operative Inc. CASA Housing Services Inc. Cascadia Community Solutions Castle Co-op Apts. Ltd. Castlefrank Co-operative Homes Castlegreen Housing Co-operative Catalpa Housing Co-operative Cataraqui Co-operative Homes Inc. Cathedral Court Co-operative Homes Corp. Cathedral Square Co-operative Cathy Kozma Cavendish Co-operative Homes Inc. Cawthra Mansions Housing Co-operative CDS Co-operative Development Society Limited Cedar Mill Housing Co-operative Cedar Roots Housing Co-operative Cedarbrook Park Housing Co-operative Centennial Park Housing Co-operative Central Housing Co-operative Union of Egypt Central Okanagan Co-operative Housing Association Central Ontario Co-operative Housing Federation Central Park Housing Co-operative Central Spryfield Housing Co-operative Centre Green Co-operative Homes Centretown Citizen Housing Co-operative Centretown Citizen\'s (Ottawa) Corp. Chadwick Towers Co-operative Incorporated Chances Housing Co-operative Changemakers Co-operative Homes (Kitchener) Inc. Charles Cathedral Housing Co-operative Charles Darrow Housing Co-operative Inc. Charles Hastings Housing Co-operative Inc. Charles Square Housing Co-operative Charleston Terrace Housing Co-operative Charlie Brooks Housing Co-operative Charlton Housing Co-op Chautauqua Co-operative Homes Inc. Cheam Housing Co-operative Chegoggin Co-operative Homes Inc. CHF International Chignecto Housing Co-operative Ltd. Chilean Housing Co-operative China Creek Housing Co-operative Chisolm Place Housing Co-operative Chord Housing Co-operative Christina Zhang Christopher Wilson Church-Isabella Residents Co-operative Churchill Co-op Apts. Ltd. Circa Development Services Co-operative Inc. Cité des Bâtisseurs City Edge Housing Co-operative City Gate Housing Co-operative City Living Policy Implementation and Development City of Hamilton City of London Housing Division City of Ottawa - Housing Branch City Park Co-operative Apartments Civic Developments Clairvue Housing Co-operative Clarendon Hall Co-operative Tenants' Association Clarion Co-operative Homes Classic Consultants (Barrie) Corporation Claude Wittmann Clearview Housing Co-operative Clearwater Housing Co-operative Cliffside Court Housing Co-operative Clintwood Non-profit Housing Co-operative Co-op Atlantic Co-op Atlantic Audit Services Co-op Central of PEI Co-operation Housing Co-operative College Co-operative College Co-operative Homes of Prosperity and Equality Inc. Co-operative Housing Association of Eastern Ontario Co-operative Housing Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Co-operative Housing Association of Saskatchewan Co-operative Housing Co-ordinators Hamilton-Niagara Area Co-operative Housing Federation of British Columbia Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada Co-operative Housing Federation of Toronto Co-operative Housing Ireland Co-operative Housing Ireland Society Ltd. Co-operative Management Services Co-operative Staff Association of Central Ontario Co-operative Union of Tanzania Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada Co-operators Group Co-ordinators Association of Southwestern Ontario CoAction Staff Association Coady Housing Co-operative Coal Harbour Housing Co-operative Coalition of Provincial Organizations of The Handicapped Coast Capital Savings Credit Union Cobblehill Homes Co-operative Inc. Cochrane District Social Services Administration Board COHO Management Services Society COHO Property Management Inc. COHO Repair Services Inc. Colandco Co-operative Homes Inc. Cole Road Co-operative Community Inc. College View Housing Co-operative Inc. Collingwood Village Housing Co-operative Columbia Housing Advisory Association Columbus Centennial Seniors Co-operative Housing Ltd. Comfort Living Housing Co-operative Common Ground Housing Co-operative Common Ground Housing Co-operative (MB) Commonage Housing Co-operative Commonwealth Co-operative Homes Communication and Electrical Workers of Can. Communitas Group Ltd. Community Affordable Housing Solutions Community Alternatives Housing Co-operative Community First Developments Inc. Community Health Co-operative Federation Ltd. (the) Community Housing Administration & Organizational Services Community Housing Advisory Service ACT Inc. Community Housing Land Trust Foundation Community Housing Transformation Centre / Centre de transformation du logement communitaire Community Land Trust Community Land Trust Foundation of British Columbia Community Legal Clinic of York Region Community Property Management Community Works Inc Compass Non-Profit Co-operative Homes Inc. (ON) Compass Nova Scotia Co-operative Homes Ltd. Concentra Financial Services Association Concord Premier Property Management Confederación de Cooperativas de Viviendas de Espana Confederation Housing Co-operative Ltd. Confédération québécoise des coopératives d\'habitation Confederazione Cooperative Italiane Connaught Housing Co-operative Connaught Village Housing Co-operative Ltd. Conseil Canadien De La Cooperation Conseil de la Coopération de l\'Ontario Conseil de la coopération du Manitoba Conservation Co-operative Homes Consideration Co-operative Homes Inc. Consort Housing Co-operative Ltd. Constance Hamilton Housing Co-operative Incorporated Consumer Co-operative Alliance Consumers Co-operative of Canada Inc. Coop d'habitation Le Levier Coop?rative d'habitation Laval Coopèrative d'habitation Aile-Nord Coopérative d'habitation Bonne Entente Coopérative d'habitation Brébeuf Coopérative d'habitation Côté-Est Coopèrative d'habitation De LaSalle Coopérative d'habitation Demers Coopèrative d'habitation Desloges Coopérative d'habitation Du Vieux Moulin Coopérative d'habitation Gabriel Ltée. Coopérative d'habitation Jeanneville Coopérative d'habitation la Goélette Coopérative d'habitation Lafontaine inc. Coopérative d'habitation Le Quartier du Collège Coopérative d'habitation Oasis Coopérative d'habitation Parc Beausoleil Coopérative d'habitation Place Verchères Coopèrative d'habitation St. Georges Housing Co-operative Coopèrative d'habitation Villa Bonheur Coopèrative d'habitation Voisins Cooperative du parc a maisons mobiles Cecile Ltee Cooperative La Cremerie Housing Co-operative Ltee Coopéritave Chalet St. Norbert Ltée. Coral Cooperative Housing Corporation Cordova Co-operative Homes Core Artists Live-Work Cooperative Corktown Co-operative Homes Inc. Corner Brook Housing Co-operative Society Ltd. Cornerstone Co-operative Homes (ON) Cornerstone Co-operative Housing Ltd. (NB) Cornucopia Property Management Corporation Cornwall Village Co-operative Housing Association Corporation of the City of Brantford Housing Dept. Corporation of the County of Dufferin Couchiching Co-op Homes Cougar Canyon Housing Co-operative Country Hills Housing Co-operative Country Lane Co-operative Homes Incorporated Country Spirit Co-operative Homes of London Inc. County of Wellington Courtland Mews Co-operative Homes Inc. Courtyard Housing Co-operative Craigflower Housing Cooperative Craigilea Housing Cooperative Cranberry Lake Housing Co-operative Crawford E. Laing Ltd. Financial Consulting Crawford Smith and Swallow Credit Union Central (Alberta) Credit Union Central (Manitoba) Credit Union Central (New Brunswick) Credit Union Central (Nova Scotia) Credit Union Central (Ontario) Credit Union Central (Prince Edward Island) Credit Union Central (Saskatchewan) Credit Union Central of Canada Creekside Housing Co-operative Creekside Senior Estates Co-operative Creekview Housing Co-operative Crescent Downs Housing Co-operative Crestview Housing Co-operative Ltd. Crossroads Co-operative Homes Inc.(ON) Crossroads Housing Co-operative Crossroads Housing Co-operative (NF) Crossroads Housing Co-operative (NS) Crown Heights Co-operative Homes Inc. Crystal Beach Co-operative Homes Inc. Crystal Grange Housing Co-operative Ltd. CSP Foods Limited Cumberland Housing Co-operative Cumis Group Ltd. (the) D.A.L.A.C.P.T. Housing Co-operative D.J. Reznick & Associates Ltd. D.S.I. Tandem Resources Dale A. Holland Dale Reagan Dalhousie Non-Profit Housing Co-operative Inc. Daly Co-operative Inc. Daly Support Services (#1) Daly Support Services (#2) Dan Benedict Co-operative Homes Corporation Daniel J. Avery, CA Danielle Cécile Dartmouth Non-profit Housing Society Dauphin Retirement Housing Co-operative Ltd. David A. Townsend David B. Archer Housing Co-operative David Chittle David Lach David Robertson David Wetherow Housing Co-operative Davidson Creek Housing Co-op Dawson Court Housing Co-operative Ltd. Dayfoot Family Co-operative Inc. DeCosmos Village Housing Co-operative Deerfoot Estates Housing Co-operative Ltd. Del Property Management Deloitte and Touche Deloitte and Touche Delta Green Housing Co-operative Delta Place Co-operative Homes of London Inc. Denman Community Housing Society Denman Housing Association Dentonia Park Housing Co-operative Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing Dereham Forge Housing Co-operative Des Jardins Cooperative d'Appartement Limited Devonshire Court Housing Co-operative Devonshire Financial (London) Inc. Diane Frankling Co-operative Homes Inc. Diane Miles Dieppe Housing Co-operative Dion, Durrell & Associates DisAbled Women\'s Network of Ontario DMS Property Management Ltd. Dobbin Housing Co-operative Domego Housing Co-operative Don Area Co-operative Homes Inc. Don K. McMillan Don Quixote Co-operative Homes Inc. Don Young Donna Charbonneau Double BM Enterprises Douglas S. Irvin Dove Co-operative Homes Inc. Dovercourt Housing Co-operative Inc. Drumlin Co-operative Homes Inc. Dufferin Gardens Co-operative Homes Inc. Dufferin Grove Housing Co-operative Duffin's Creek Housing Co-operative Duke Park Towers Dunbar Village Community Co-operative Dunbrack Housing Co-operative Duncan Mills Labourers Local 183 Co-operative Homes Dundas Co-operative Housing Association Inc. Dundee Court Housing Co-operative dWell Property Management Eagle Housing Co-operative Eagle Project Management Eagleson Co-operative Homes Inc. Eamon Park Housing Co-operative EAMS Inc. Earl Cooper East Midland Housing Association Ltd. East Whitby Co-operative Homes Inc. Eastbrow Co-op Apts. Ltd. Eastern Ontario Christian Seniors Co-operative Homes Eastern Ontario Land & Dwelling Corp. Easton Housing Co-operative Eastview Cooperative Apartments Ltd. Eastwood Housing Co-operative Ltd. Eburne Landing Housing Co-operative Eco-Floors Inc. Ed M. Roscetti, Chartered Accountant Ed Peterson Eddy Housing Ltd. Edgeview Housing Co-operative Edmonds Place Housing Co-operative Edmonton Housing Trust Fund Edward Hung Eesti Korteriüstute Liit Eight Oaks Housing Co-operative Eileen Tallman Co-operative Homes of Ottawa-Carleton Inc. Eileen Wilke Ellen McGreal Housing Co-operative Inc. Elmvale Housing Co-operative Homes Inc. Elmview Estates Housing Co-operative Inc. Elsie Harvey Emanuel Housing Co-operative Emma G Housing Co-operative Encasa Financial Inc. Encasa Financial Inc. ENERPLAN Eric Martin Erin Court Co-operative Homes Ernescliffe Non-Profit Housing Co-operative Estate Properties Incorporated Estrella del Sur Housing Co-operative European Liaison Committee For Social Housing (Cecodhas) Evangeline Courts Housing Co-operative Exandarea Meadows Housing Co-operative Inc. Faethorne Place Housing Co-operative Inc. Fairlea Park Housing Co-operative Fairwest Housing Co-operative Falcon Crest Estates Co-operative Fallout Housing Co-operative Falls Place Co-operative Homes Incorporated False Creek / Site 1 (Millyard) False Creek / Site 2 (Lamey\'s Mill) False Creek Co-operative Housing Association Family and Children\'s Services of The Niagara Region Farmers Co-operative Dairy Ltd. FECOVI (Federacion de Cooperativas de Vivienda par Ahorro Previo) Federació de Cooperatives d\'Habitatges de Catalunya Federación Hondureñda de Coop de Vivienda, LTDA - FEHCOVIL Federal Co-operative Housing Stabilization Fund Federated Co-operatives Limited Federated Co-operatives Ltd. Fédération de l’habitation coopérative du Québec Fédération des coopératives d'habitation de l'Estrie Fédération des coopératives d'habitation de Québec Chaudière-Appalache Fédération des coopératives d'habitation du Royaume du Saguenay Lac St-Jean Fédération des coopératives d\'habitation de la Mauricie et du Centre-du-Québec Fédération des coopératives d\'habitation montérégiennes Fédération Des Travailleurs Du Quebec Fédération intercoopérative en habitation de l'Outaouais Fédération nationale des sociétées coopératives d\'H.L.M. Federation of Metro Tenants Assoc. Fenache - Federaçao Nacional de Cooperativas de Habitaçao Economica Fengate Property Management Ltd. Festival City Co-operative Homes Fieldstone Co-operative Homes Inc. Fife Road Co-operative Homes Inc. Filament Realty Management Inc. Filcasa Housing Co-operative Ltd. Fine Building Group Inc. Firm Management Corporation First Avenue Athletes Village Housing Co-operative First Nations Housing Co-operative Fleetham Services Fletchers' Creek Co-operative Homes Inc. Flip Flop Housing Co-operative FoodShare Metro Toronto Forchu Housing Co-operative Ford Keast LLP Ford Road Housing Co-operative Forest City Housing Co-operative Forestwood Co-operative Homes Inc. Forty-Third Housing Co-operative Inc. ForWard 9 Community Development Housing Co-op Four Corners Housing Co-operative Ltd. Four Feathers Housing Co-operative Four Mile Heights Housing Cooperative Four Sisters / Site 1 (133 Powell St) Four Sisters / Site 2 (118 Alexander St) Four Sisters / Site 3 (153 Powell St) Four Sisters Housing Co-operative Frances Gardens Housing Cooperative Frank Fairchild Housing Co-operative Inc. Frank G. McLoughlin Co-operative Homes Inc. Frank Long Co-operative Homes Fraser River Place Housing Co-operative Fraserview / APT - Jellicoe Fraserview / T/H - East Kent South Fraserview Housing Co-operative Fraserview Towers (One-Bed Tower) Fraserview Towers (West/Family Tower) Fraserview Towers Housing Co-operative Frazer Heights Co-operative Inc. Fred Dowling Co-operative Inc. Fredericton Co-op (in dev) Freedom Housing Co-operative Fresh Start Housing Co-operative Freshwinds Eco-Village Housing Co-op Ltd. Friendship Housing Cooperative Frightened Ferret Fraternity Front d\'action populaire en réaménagement urbain FUCVAM (Federacion Uruguaya de Cooperativas de Viviendas del Ayuda Mutua) Fuller-Spicer & Associates Fundación Penameña Para La Vivienda Cooperativa Funeral Co-operative of Ottawa Inc. Future Housing Co-operative G Stone & Associates Inc. Gairloch Developments Ganesh Community Development Co-operative Garden City Housing Co-operative Garden Court Housing Co-operative Garden Square Housing Co-operative Garden Village Co-operative Homes Inc. Gardenview Co-operative Homes Inc. Garry Point Housing Cooperative Gateway Co-operative Homes (ON-Barrie) Gateway Co-operative Ltd. (PE) Gateway Housing Co-operative (ON North Bay) Gay Lea Foods Co-operative Ltd. GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungsunterrnehmen Genesis (London) Housing Co-operative Inc. Genesis Housing Co-operative Corporation (ON-Timmins) Genesis Housing Co-operative Society Ltd. (NF) Geo. F. Deeth & Co. George Barlow Housing Co-operative Gest-Co Gestion Dynapro Management Inc. Get Together Housing Co-operative Gilzean's Creek Housing Co-operative Inc. Glebe Non-Profit Housing Co-operative Glen Gardens Housing Co-operative Inc. Glen Mills Co-operative Homes Inc. Glen Oaks Co-operative Homes Glen Park Co-operative Homes Glenburn Co-operative Homes Glenn Abbey Housing Co-operative Ltd. Glenn Haddrell Housing Co-op Global Media (Sample) Gneiss Housing Co-operative Inc. Golden Horseshoe Co-operative Housing Federation Golden Pond Housing Co-operative Golden Terraces Seniors Housing Co-operative Ltd. Goldlist Property Management Goldmar Property Management Goldridge Co-operative Housing Inc. Gordon B. Lee Goulbourn Non-profit Housing Corp. Government of Nunavut Grace Hartman Housing Co-operative Inc. Grace MacInnis Housing Co-operative (BC) Grace MacInnis Housing Co-operative Inc. Grand Falls Housing Co-operative Society Grand Marais Co-operative Homes Inc. Grandin Green Strata Title Housing Co-operative Grandview Co-operative Homes Grandview Co-operative Housing Association Grant Thornton Ltd. Granville Gardens Housing Co-operative Greater Vancouver Floating Home Co-operative Greater Vancouver Housing Corp. Green Stem Co-operative Limited Greenheart not-For-Profit Housing Co-operative Ltd. Greenland Housing Co-operative Greenvale Co-operative Homes Greenway Housing Cooperative Greenwin Property Management Griffin's Walk Housing Cooperative Groupe Alternative Logement de Saint-Jean Groupe Conseil en Développement de l'Habitation Groupe de Ressources BRICH Groupe de Ressources Habitation Beauce Amiante Groupe de Ressources Techniques Bâtir son Quartier Groupe de Ressources Techniques de Laval Groupe de Ressources Techniques du Sud-Ouest de Valleyfield Groupe de Ressources Techniques en Habitation de la région de Sorel Groupe d\'aménagement de logements populaires de Lanaudière Groupe d\'Aménagement du Logement Communautaire de Longueuil Groupe Ressource en Logements Collectifs Gaspésie/Ile-de-la-Madeleine Grove Seniors Village Co-operative Guelph Campus Co-operative Guhbawin Co-operative Housing Inc. Guildtown Housing Co-operative Guise Street Housing Co-operative Guyatt Wood and Moffatt H. Warren Mousley H.O.P.E. Co-operative Housing (ON-Newmarket) Inc. H.W. Flesher Housing Co-operative Habitation Populaire de la Côte-du-Sud Habitation Populaire Saguenay-Lac St-Jean Habitations Populaires de l\'Est Haerko Inc. Halam Park Housing Co-operative Inc. Haldimand Co-operative Housing Halifax Non-profit Housing Society Halifax Peninsula Housing Co-operative Halifax Women's Housing Co-operative Hall Management Corporation Halsted Home Inspections Inc. Halston Hills Housing Co-operative Haney Pioneer Village Co-operative Harambee Housing Co-operative Harbour Channel Housing Co-operative Harbour Cove Housing Co-operative Harbour Manor Housing Co-operative Harbourside Co-operative Homes Inc. Harmony B Housing Co-operative Harmony Creek Co-operative Homes Inc. Harmony Haven Housing Co-operative Harmony Housing Co-operative (ON) Harmony King Co-operative Homes Inc. Harnish, Bruce, Shupe Harris Road Housing Co-operative Harry Sherman Crowe Housing Co-operative Harvest Moon Co-operative Homes Inc. Harvey Cooper Hatley Park Housing Cooperative Hawthorne Housing Co-operative Hazelburn Co-operative Homes of Toronto Inc. Hazeldean Housing Co-operative Inc. Hearthstone Village Cooperative Heath Street Housing Co-operative Heatherglen Housing Co-operative Ltd. Heatheridge Housing Cooperative Hector Trout Seniors Housing Co-operative Helen's Court Co-operative Housing Association Hensley Green Housing Co-operative Heritage Hills Housing Co-operative Heritage Housing / Site 1 (717 W 8th) Heritage Housing / Site 2 (728 W 8th) Heritage Housing Co-operative Heron Court Housing Co-operative Hi-Wood Meadows Housing Co-operative Ltd. Hickory Tree Road Co-operative Homes Inc. High Hopes Housing Co-operative Highfield Park Housing Co-operative Highland Homes Co-operative Highland Housing Co-operative Hillside Housing Co-operative Hillside Place Housing Co-operative Home Ownership Alternatives Non-Profit Corporation Homes First Society Homestarts Incorporated Homestead Housing Co-operative Homeward Housing Co-operative Horizon Co-operative Homes Inc. Hoskins Housing Co-operative Inc. Hospital Workers' Housing Co-operative HOUSE Canada Housing Alternatives Inc. Housing Innovation Co-operative Ltd. Housing Managers Collective Inc. Housing Services Corporation Housing Services Section & City of Greater Sudbury Hoy Creek Housing Co-operative Hromada Housing Co-operative HSBs Riksförbund Hub International Limited. Hubtown Housing Co-operative Limited Hugh Garner Housing Co-operative Inc. Humberview Housing Co-operative Inc. Hunter Estates Housing Co-operative Ltd. Hunter Hill Housing Cooperative Huntington Place Housing Co-operative Huron Pines Housing Co-operative Inc. Huronia Family Housing Co-operative Inc. I.W.A. Canada, Local 1-367 Ida Vista Housing Co-operative Ideal Housing Co-operative Ideal Village Housing Co-operative Inc. Idle-O Apartments Inc. IKAN Management Inc. Iler, Campbell, Barristers and Solicitors Independant Contacts Indian River Housing Co-operative Inn Roads Housing Co-operative Ltd. Innisfree Housing Co-operative Inc. Innovative Housing Consultants Inc. Innstead Co-operative Inc. Institute of Housing Management Integra Housing Co-operative Limited Interchurch Housing Society Interlake Housing Co-op (Teulon) Ltd. International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers International Co-operative Alliance (I.C.A.) International Ladies Garment Workers Union Housing Co-op. International Union of Tenants International Woodworkers of America International Woodworkers of America Inti Housing Co-operative (1985) Inukshuk Housing Co-operative IRC Building Sciences Group (Vancouver) Island Farms Dairies Co-op Assoc. Island Unity Land Co-operative Island Unity Land Co-operative Limited Island View Housing Co-operative Island Village Builders Co-operative J.A. Windmill Software Inc. Jackson Avenue Housing Co-operative Jackson's Point Housing Co-operative James Bay Co-operative Housing Association Jane S. Rowan Janette\'s Bookkeeping Services Jarvis-George Housing Co-operative Inc. Jasmine Place Housing Co-operative Jason Moore Javelin Co-operative Homes Inc. Jawl & Bundon LLP Jean Stevenson Training & Development Consultant Jean-Yves Lord Jeff Page Jenny Green Co-operative Homes Jeremy Pol Jessica Clements Jim MacDonald Joanne Mick Joe MacIsaac Housing Co-operative John Bruce Village Housing Co-op John Fitzpatrick Steelworkers Co-operative John Hugh MacKenzie Housing Co-operative John Moynahan Co-op Homes John W. Colwell Johnston, Benson, Inkster and Brighton Jourdan Group Inc. JTM Inc. Jubilee Housing Co-operative Junction Co-operative Properties Limited Juniper / Site 1 (2017 West 5th Ave) \"Maple\" Juniper / Site 2 (2286 West 5th Ave) \"Vine\" Juniper Co-operative Community Housing Association Kabuki Housing Co-operative Kailasa Housing Cooperative Kalaka Housing Co-operative Kaleidoscope Co-operative Homes Inc. Kalmar Co-operative Inc. Kanata Co-operative Homes Inc. (ON) Kanata Co-operative Housing Association Karla Skoutajan Kaslo Gardens Housing Co-operative Katherine Sanford Housing Society Katherine Sanford Housing Society / The BRice (1710 Kingsway) Kawartha Village Co-operative Homes Incorporated Keegano Housing Co-operative Ltd. Keith R. Fetridge, A.F.W. & S. Ken Elliott Ken Lawson Ken McFarland, C.P.A Kenfinch Co-operative Housing Kensington Seniors Housing Co-op Kent-Koop (The Union of Housing Cooperatives in Batikent) Kerrisdale Crest Apts. Co-operative Association Keswick Community Homes Co-operative Inc. Kilbride Housing Co-operative Society Ltd. Kilcooley Gardens Co-operative Inc. Killarney Gardens Housing Co-operative Killick Eco Village Killick Ecovillage Co-operative Kimroy Grove Co-operative Homes King & Associates Planning & Development Inc. King Square Housing Co-operative Kingsfordhaus Housing Co-operative Kingston Co-operative Homes Inc. Kinross Creek Housing Co-operative Kinship / 3183 Pierview Crescent Kinship / 3245 Pierview Crescent Kinship Housing Co-operative Kippendavie Housing Co-operative Inc. Kit Chapman Kitsilano Terrace Housing Co-operative Kitsun Co-operative Housing Klahanie Co-operative Housing Association Konutbirlik (Union of Housing Co-ops) KPMG Krisineleos Housing Cooperative Krown Property Management Kuanna Housing Co-operative L'Auberge Co-operative Inc. L. Simpson Management Services Inc. La Casa Housing Cooperative La Co-opérative d'habitation La Chaumiëre Inc. La Coopérative d'habitation Antigonish La cooperative d'habitation Beauparlant La Coopèrative d'habitation La Seigneurie Inc. La Coopèrative d'habitation Vallèe Ouest Inc. LA FÉDÉRATION CHARM - CQCH La Paz Co-operative Homes Inc. La Petite Maison Co-operative Housing Association Labour Sponsored Community Development Group (Windsor and Essex) Inc. Labourview Housing Co-operative Laird Hunter Lakeshore Gardens Co-operative Homes Inc. Lakeshore Towers Lakeshore Village Artists' Co-operative Lakewood Manor Housing Co-operative Ltd. Lakewood Terrace Housing Co-operative Lamplight Housing Co-operative Landsberg/Lewis Housing Co-operative Landview Housing Co-operative Lanedale Co-operative Apts. Ltd. Lang Cove Housing Cooperative Lao Village Housing Co-operative Inc. Larlyn Property Management Limited Larry Sefton Housing Co-operative Las Americas Co-operative Homes Inc. (ON) Las Americas Housing Co-operative (AB) Laura Jamieson Housing Co-operative Laurence Management Group Inc. Laurie J. Smith Lavender Housing Cooperative Lavender Lane Co-operative Homes Inc. Lawlor Court Co-operative Inc. Lawrence Gardens Housing Co-operative Le Coeur Housing Co-operative Le Manoir St-Pierre Housing Co-operative Ledbury Park Lega Nazionale delle Cooperative e Mutue Les Maisons coopÈrative des Pins Gris Inc. Les maisons coopèrative Val Caron Leta Brownscombe Co-operative Homes Inc. Levellers' Housing Co-operative Lewis & Collyer Liberton Terrace Housing Co-operative Liberty Housing Co-operative Liberty Housing Co-operative (AB) Liberty Housing Co-operative (NF) Lighthouse Non-Profit Homes Inc. LIMESTONE CITY CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING INC. Linden Housing Development Co-operative Inc. Lindsay Non-profit Housing Corporation Links Housing Co-operative Links, The / Site 1 (401 Tower Rd) Links, The / Site 2 (406 Tower Rd) Little Falls Co-operative Homes Little Pond Housing Co-operative Local 444 CAW Local 75 (Hospitality Workers) Housing Co-operative Inc. Locklane Housing Co-operative LOCUM Logement Populaire de l\'Abitibi-Témiscamingue Lois Miller Housing Co-operative Inc. Lom Nava Housing Co-operative London Occupational Safety and Health Information Service (LOSH) London Town Co-operative Homes Longhouse Housing Co-operative Longview Housing Co-operative Lore Krill / CLT Site (239 E Georgia St) Lore Krill / CoV Site (65 W Cordova St) Lore Krill Housing Cooperative Lorentchia Housing Co-operative Ltd. Los Andes Housing Co-operative Los Andes Housing Co-operative (AB) Lotus Co-operative Homes Incorporated Lower Income Housing Company Loyalist Housing Co-operative Lucas Cordeiro Lundar Co-operative Senior Citizens Homes Inc. Lutheran Manor Society of Vancouver Luxor Management Inc. Lynn Valley Co-operative Housing M.A.P.S. Housing Co-operative Macdonald Consulting Property Management Machaven Mansions Co-operative Inc. Machell's Corners Housing Co-operative Inc. MAG Services inc Maggie Keith Magnum York Property Management Ltd. Mahone Bay Community Land Cooperative Main & Hastings Community Development Society Main-Gerrard Community Development Co-operative Maisons St. Jacques Co-operative Manhattan Co-operative Housing Association Manitoba Cooperative Association Manitoba Federation of Labour Manitoba Metis Federation Inc. Manitoba Non-Profit Housing Association Manning Elliott LLP Manus Management Services Maple Creek Housing Co-operative Maple Glen Housing Co-operative Maple Grove Co-operative L'Erablière Ltée Ltd. Maple Property Management Group Maples / Site 1 (21570 Cherrington) Maples / Site 2 (21590 Cherrington) Maples Housing Co-operative Marcel Lefebvre Marcil, Lavallée Margaret Laurence Housing Co-operative Inc. Margaret Newton & Co. Margot Mandy Maria's Housing Co-operative - ON (in dev'p) Maria's Housing Co-operative Ltd. Marianne Moershel Marigold Co-operative Homes (ON) Marigold Co-operative Housing Association Marina Housing Co-operative Marine Court Housing Co-operative Marine Heights Co-operative Homes Incorporated Mariner Cove Housing Co-operative Mariner's Housing Co-operative Mario De Giovanni Housing Co-operative Mariposa Co-operative Housing Mark Benjamin Goldblatt & Associates I Marketview Housing Co-operative Marlor-Maki Property Management Marpole Terrace Housing Co-operative Marsh & Marsh Inc. Marshwinds Housing Co-operative Ltd. Mary Campbell Housing Co-operative Inc. Maryland Avenue Cohousing Co-operative Inc. Matheson Heights Housing Co-operative Matthew Kurtz Mau Dan Gardens / Site 1 (350 E Pender St) Mau Dan Gardens / Site 2 (401-487 Keefer St) Mau Dan Gardens / Site 3 (400-486 E Pender St) Mau Dan Gardens Housing Co-operative Maureen MacDonald Maurice Coulter Housing Co-operative Max Saltsman Community Co-operative Maya Housing Co-operative Mayflower Co-operative Housing Association McHardy Housing Co-operative McIntosh Run Housing Co-operative McLean Co-operative Homes Inc. Meadow Gardens Housing Co-operative (Man.) Ltd. Meadow Highlands Mobile Home Co-operative Meadow Lark Housing Cooperative LTD Meadow Walk Housing Co-operative Meadowdale Community Housing Co-operative Inc. Meadowgreen Co-operative Homes Meadowlands Housing Co-operative Medina Housing Co-operative Medway Housing Co-operative Inc. Mel Swart Housing Co-operative Melton Court / Site 1 (2310 Cornwall Av) Melton Court / Site 2 (2320 Cornwall Av) Melton Court Co-operative Housing Association Meridian Co-operative Homes Inc. Meridian Gardens Co-operative Association Metro Tenants Legal Services Metta Housing Co-operative Inc. Michael K. E. Thiele Mid-island Consumer Services Co-op Midland Mountainview Family Co-operative Inc. Midwich Housing Co-operative Inc. Milliken Co-operative Homes Inc. Millstream Haven Modular Home Co-operative Association Mimico Co-operative Homes Incorporated Miramichi Vista Housing Co-operative Mission Cooperative Housing Association Misty Ridge Housing Co-operative Mitraniketan Housing Co-operative Moccasin Flats Housing Co-operative Modo Co-operative Mondragon Co-operative Homes Inc. Monique Blanchet Monopoly Realty Moonstone Co-operative Homes Moose Country Housing Co-operative Morley Mills Co-operative Homes Inc. Morningstar Consulting Inc. Mosaico (1985) Housing Co-operative Mosquito Creek Housing Co-operative Mountain City Housing Co-operative Inc. Mountain Equipment Co-operative Mountain Haven Co-operative Homes Ltd. Mountain View Co-operative Housing Association Mountmuir Co-operative Housing Mt. Seymour Park Housing Co-operative Murdoch Management Inc. Muriel Collins Housing Co-operative MW Legal Naismith Non-Profit Housing Co-operative Inc. Nakiska Co-operative Homes Inc. Namara Property Management Ltd. Nathan Justice Gahungu Makuregye National Action Committee On The Status of Women National Anti-Poverty Organization National Association of Housing Co-operative (NAHC) National Association of Housing Co-ops National Co-operative Bank National Co-operative Business Association National Co-operative Housing Union (NACHU) National Cooperative Housing Federation of India National Federation of Housing Cooperatives National Pensioners & Senior Citizens National Union of Cooperative Societies Ltd. National Union of Provincial Government Employees Native Inter-Tribal Housing Co-operative Inc. Needham Housing Co-operative Needlewood Glen Housing Co-operative Inc. Neighbours' Community Co-operative Homes Inc. Neill-Wycik Co-operative College Neilson Creek Housing Co-operative Nelson Co-operative Homes Inc. Netintegrity Inc. Network Network Community Non-Profit New Brighton Housing Co-operative New Brunswick Collaborative Housing Co-operative Ltd. New Brunswick Community Land Trust Co-operative Ltd. New Brunswick Community Land Trust Co-operative Ltd. New Brunswick Federation of Labour New Dimensions Housing Co-operative New Generation Co-operative Homes Inc. New Hibret Co-operative Homes Inc. New Life Management Services Inc. Newfie Housing Co-operative Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation Newfoundland-Labrador Federation of Co-operatives Newmarket Co-operative Homes Inc. Newton and Co. Newton Kinsmen Housing Society Niagara Neighbourhood Housing Co-operative Niagara Peninsula Homes Community Resources Niagara Regional Housing Nick Sidor Nick Van Dyk Nicole Toledano NKHK Noons Creek Housing Co-operative Noreen Dunphy Norkam Seniors Housing Co-op Association Norman Bethune Co-operative Housing Association Norris Crescent Housing Co-operative North American Students of Co-operation North Arm Housing Co-operative North Harbour Housing Co-operative North Ridge Housing Cooperative North Shore Housing Co-operative Northbrook Village Housing Co-operative Inc. Northern Alberta Co-operative Housing Association Northern Harmony Housing Co-operative Limited Northern Lights Housing Co-operative Northern Way Housing Co-operative Northside Housing Society Northtown Co-operative Homes Inc. Northumberland County Community and Social Services Department, Housing Services Division Northview Meadow Co-op Homes Northwest Arm Housing Co-operative Northwest Territories Federation of Labour Northwest Territories Housing Corp. Northwood Park Co-operative Homes Norwest Place Housing Co-operative Ltd. Not applicable/Other Nottawasaga Co-operative Homes Nova Heights Continuing Housing Co-op Ltd. Nova Housing Co-operative Inc. Nova Scotia Federation of Labour Nova Scotia Non-Profit Housing Association Nova Vita Housing Co-operative NWT Co-operative Business Development Fund (The) O.U.R. Ecovillage Cooperative O.V.O. Housing Co-operative Oak Bay Housing Cooperative Oak Street Housing Co-operative Inc. Oaklands Housing Cooperative Oasis Co-operative Homes Odyssey Housing Co-operative Office of Social Action Oikos Housing Co-operative Inc. Okanagan / Site 1 (170 Kneller) Okanagan / Site 2 (205 Nickel) Okanagan / Site 3 (205 Nickel) Okanagan Housing Cooperative Association Old Grace Housing Co-operative ltd. One Filipino Co-operative Ontario Co-operative Association Ontario Federation of Labour Ontario Housing Association for Seniors Ontario New Home Warranty Program Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association Ontario Works c/o City of St. Thomas Options for Homes Non-Profit Corporation Orchard Green Housing Cooperative Orchard Grove Housing Co-operative Orchard Haven Housing Society Orchard Park Co-operative Homes Orion Co-operative Housing Corporation Ormond Woods Co-operative Homes Inc. Oshawa Creek Housing Co-operative Oshawa Valley Park Housing Co-operative Homes Inc. Ottawa Co-operative Village Inc. Ottawa Community Land Trust Otter Creek Co-operative Homes Inc. Our Maintenance Guy Inc. Owen Sound Glassworks Development Co-operative Inc. OWN Housing Co-operative Inc. Owners Condo Plan 8110051 Pace Accounting Inc. Pacific Heights Housing Co-operative Pacific Housing Co-operative Pacific Park Place (1985) Housing Co-operative Pacific Quorum Packard Housing Co-operative Palace Place Co-operative Homes Palisades Housing Co-operative Paloma Housing Co-operative Paradise Co-op Apt. Ltd. Park City Meadows Housing Co-operative Parkfarm Co-operative Parkgate Housing Co-operative Parkview House Co-operative Inc. Parkview Seniors Housing Co-operative Pathways Property Associates Patricia Sibley Paul Baker Pawating Housing Co-operative Payuk Inter-Tribal Housing Co-operative Pearlgate Housing Co-operative Peel Living Peel Non-profit Housing Corporation Peel/Halton Co-operative Housing Federation Peggy & Andrew Brewin Housing Co-operative Pembina Woods Housing Co-operative Penta Co-operative Housing Association People's Choice Co-operative Homes Percy Heights Co-operative Inc. Peregrine Co-operative Homes Inc. Perth Avenue Housing Co-operative Peter Secor Housing Co-operative Peterborough Co-operative Homes Pheasant Meadows Housing Cooperative Philip Brown Phillips, Hager & North Investment Funds Ltd. Phoenix Court Housing Co-operative Phoenix Housing Co-operative Inc. Pinafore Station Co-operative Homes Inc. Pine Ridge Housing Co-operative Pine Valley Housing Co-operative Pinecroft Co-operative Homes Inc. Pioneer Co-operative Homes Inc. Pioneer Housing Co-operative Association Pioneer Park Cooperative Housing Association Poitras and Poitras Port Colborne Co-operative Homes Port Coquitlam Senior Citizens Housing Society Port Moody Senior Housing Society Post 83 Housing Co-operative Pownal Square Housing Co-operative Prairie Housing Co-operative Prairie Sky Co-housing Co-operative Ltd. Precambrian Precision Hydrant Services Precision Property Management Prentice, Yates & Clark Preston Heights Housing Co-operative Pretium Engineering Inc. Pretty River Villas Housing Co-operative Price Waterhouse Primrose Housing Co-operative Inc. Prince Rupert Fishermen\'s Co-operative Association Princely Housing Co-operative Pringle Creek Co-operative Homes Inc. Prism Co-operative Homes Inc. Privateers Housing Co-operative Pro Edge Management Inc. Progressive Management and Consulting Propolis Cooperative Housing Society Public Service Alliance of Canada Q.W. Page Associates QMUNITY BC\'S Queer, Trans and Two-Spirit Resource Centre Society Quaker Hill Co-operative Homes Inc. Quality Living Housing Co-operative Quarry Co-operative Incorporated Quebec Manor Housing Co-operative Queens Avenue Housing Co-operative Queens Neighbourhood Co-operative Housing Ltd. Queens Park Housing Co-operative Queensland Community Housing Coalition Ltd Raiffeisen Co-operative Homes Raiffeisen Non-Profit Housing (Phase 2) Railyard Housing Co-operative Rainbow Circle Co-operative Rainbow Grove Housing Co-op Rainbow Grove Housing Co-operative Ltd. Rainbow Housing Co-operative Ltd. Rainbow's End Housing Co-operative Ramer's Wood Co-operative Homes Inc. Ramsay Heights Housing Co-operative RANbayou Housing Co-op Rarebirds Housing Co-operative RDH Building Science RE/MAX Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd. Realize Strategies Co-operative Red Hill Co-operative Homes Red House Solutions Regatta Place Co-operative Homes Inc. Regional Housing Co-operative Regional Municipality of Durham, Housing Services Regional Municipality of Halton Regional Municipality of Peel Regional Municipality of Waterloo Regional Municipality of York Regroupement des Organismes du Montréal Ethnique pour le Logement Réjean Laflamme Reliance Home Comfort Renate Place Housing Co-operative René Daoust Rengo Housing Co-operative Résidence coopérative du Centre multiservice francophone de l'West d'Ottawa Inc. Richmond Community Management Services Richmond Heights Housing Co-operative Richmond Hill Housing Co-operative Ridelle Co-operative Homes Inc. Ries Management Riksbyggen - Co-operative Housing Union Rishon Housing Co-operative Rising Star Housing Co-operative River Mist Housing Co-operative River Woods Housing Co-operative River's End Housing Co-operative Riverbend Housing Co-operative Riverdale Co-operative Houses (ON) Riverdale Housing Co-operative (AB) Riverside Garden Court Housing Co-operative Ltd. Riverside Landing Housing Co-operative Riverwind Housing Co-operative Robert Cooke Co-operative Homes Inc. Robert Owen Housing Co-operative Robin D. MacKay & Associates Robin's Nest Co-operative Homes Robson Park / Site 1 (234 E 15th Ave) Robson Park / Site 2 (2852 St. George) Robson Park / Site 3 (3-3335 Sophia) Robson Park Co-operative Housing Association Rochelandaise Housing Co-operative Rockview Seniors Co-operative Homes Incorporated Rocky Road Housing Co-operative Rod Geer Roedean (Oakville) Co-operative Homes Rogers Drive Housing Co-operative Rooftops Canada Foundation Rooftops Housing Co-operative Rooted Community Housing Co-operative Rose Garden Co-operative Housing Society Rosewood Crescent Housing Co-operative Rosewood Housing Co-operative Ltd. Rosh Pina Housing Co-operative Rossland Ridge Co-operative Homes Inc. Rouge Valley Co-operative Homes Inc. Rougemount Co-operative Homes Inc. Roundhouse Co-operative Housing Association Royal City Housing Co-operative Inc. Royal Oaks Housing Co-operative RSM Canada Ruben Dario Housing Co-operative Rundleview Housing Co-operative Russet Homes Co-operative Ryegate (Tecumseh) Co-operative Homes Inc. S.A.M. Management Inc. S.M. Marsh, Inc. S.O.D. Housing Co-operative S.U.C.C.E.S.S. / Site 1 (80 Walter Hardwick Ave) S.U.C.C.E.S.S. / Site 2 (122 Walter Hardwick Ave) S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Affordable Housing Society Saduke Housing Co-operative Sahali Housing Co-operative Salal Housing Co-operative (Sample) Salt Spring Island Land Bank Society Salvador Housing Co-operative Sam Greer Place Housing Co-operative Samson Co-operative Ltd. Samuel Property Management Sand Hills Co-operative Homes Inc. Sandpiper Housing Co-operative Sandy Hill Housing Co-operative Saorsie Co-operative Homes Inc. Sapperton Terrace Housing Co-operative Sarcee Meadows Housing Co-operative Ltd. Saskatchewan Federation of Labour Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Saskatoon Affordable Seniors Housing Co-operative Sault Ste. Marie District Social Services Administrative Board Sawmill Creek Housing Co-operative Sawmill Housing Co-operative Scarborough Bluffs Housing Co-operative Scarborough Co-operative Staff Association Inc. Scarborough Heights Co-operative Homes Inc. Schweizerisher Verband für Wohnungswesen Science '44 Co-operative Incorporated Scotch Creek Mountview Manor Housing Co-operative Scotsburn Co-operative Services Sean Campbell Seawalk Housing Cooperative Secord Avenue Co-operative Homes Seniors Central Housing Registry Senns Property Management Sequoia Co-operative Homes Inc. Serials Management Systems Canada Limited Seven Maples Housing Co-operative Seven Oaks Gardens Housing Cooperative Ltd Seven Oaks Village Housing Co-operative Shalom Community Housing Co-operative Shalom Gardens Housing Co-operative Ltd. Shamrock Co-operative Homes Inc. Shaughnessy Housing Co-operative Shaw's Creek Co-operative Homes Inc. Shepherd's Green Co-operative Homes Inc. Sherwood Forest Housing Co-operative Shiretown Housing Co-operative Shoreham Village Shriners Creek Co-operative Homes Inc. Sidney Towers Housing Co-operative Inc. Sikome Rise Housing Co-operative Sills Landing Housing Co-operative Silo Co-operative Homes Inc. Silver Wood Housing Co-operative Silverbirch Housing Co-operative Silverwood Estates Housing Co-operative Ltd. Simon Bolivar Housing Co-operative Sindh Govt. Employees Cooperative Housing Society Ltd. Sitka Housing Co-operative (1985) Skeena Terrace Tenants Association Skotoko Housing Co-operative Ltd. Skyline Co-operative Homes Smith and Tkaczuk Housing Management Services Social Planning Council of Ottawa Social Planning Council of Winnipeg Social Planning Peterborough Société d\'habitation du Québec Société Service d\'Aide aux Coopératives Society of HOPE / Site 1 (440 Yates) Sojourn Housing Co-operative Solidarity Place Housing Co-operative Solidarity Tower Co-operative Solstice Housing Co-operative Solursh Feldman & Partners Sooke Lake Modular Home Cooperative Association South East Saskatchewan Housing Co-operative Ltd. South Etobicoke Community Land Trust South Osborne Housing Co-operative South West Management Southern Alberta Co-operative Housing Association Southern Lights Co-operative Homes Inc. Southgate Manor Co-operative Association Sozialbu Spectrum Housing Co-operative SPICE Management Group Inc. Spirit of 1919 Housing Co-operative Spirit Sands Housing Co-operative Spring Ridge / Site 1 (1251 Pembroke St) Spring Ridge / Site 2 (1255 Pembroke St) Spring Ridge / Site 3 (1265/1279/1281 Pembroke St) Spring Ridge / Site 4 (1275 Pembroke St) Spring Ridge Co-operative Housing Association Springfield Co-operative Homes Inc. Springfield Seniors Non-Profit Housing Co-operative Inc. Springhill Co-operative Homes Springhill Ranch Housing Co-operative Spruce Court Housing Co-operative Spruce Housing Co-operative Spruce Woods Housing Co-operative Sprucewoods Co-operative Homes Spryview Housing Co-operative Square One Realty Ltd/Economy Management St Clare\'s - Monaco Place St. Charles Co-operative Homes St. Clair Meadows Housing Co-operative St. Clare\'s Multifaith Housing Society St. Croix Valley Housing Co-operative Ltd. St. George's Village Seniors Housing Cooperative St. Isidore Housing Co-operative Ltd. St. Martin's Co-operative Homes of London Inc. St. Nicholas Housing Co-operative Stanley Knowles Housing Co-operative Stanley Noble Stronge Housing Co-operative Start To Finish Property Management Steelkids Childcare Centre Steeves & Rozema Management Services Stephen H. Saslove Sterling Management Stewart Court Housing Co-operative Still Creek Housing Co-operative Stirling Meadows Housing Co-operative Stoa Co-operative Homes Inc. Stone Church Co-operative Homes Inc. Stone Soup Food Co-op. Inc. Stonetown Co-operative Homes Stoneworth Co-operative Housing Strata LMS 02427 Strata VR 1236 Strathcona Co-operative Housing Association Strathcona Housing Co-operative (AB) Stuart Thomas Sue Moorhead Sultan Street Housing Co-operative Summerlea Park Housing Co-operative Summit Village Housing Co-operative Ltd. Sunbridge Housing Co-operative Sundance Housing Co-operative Ltd. Sundune Housing Co-operative Sunkatchers R.V. Park Co-operative Sunnyhill Housing Co-operative Ltd. Sunrise Housing Co-operative Sunrise Place Non-Profit Housing Co-operative Inc. Sunset Heights Housing Co-operative Sunset Point Housing Co-operative Sunshine Housing Co-operative Superior Street Housing Cooperative Superior View Housing Co-operative Inc. Sutherland Place Co-operative Homes Suzanne Martineau Swansea Village Co-operative Inc. Sylvie Moreau Synala Housing Co-operative Synergen Housing Co-operative Ltd. Synergy (Fenwick Management Inc.) T.C. Douglas Housing Co-operative T.R.A.C. Housing Co-operative Ltd. Tabby Town Urban Housing Co-operative Tahwesin Housing Co-operative Talisman Woods Housing Co-operative Tamarack Co-operative Housing Inc. Tamil Co-operative Homes Inc. Tanglewood Orchard Co-operative Homes Tannenhof Co-operative Homes Inc. Tannery Gate Tower Co-operative Homes Inc. Tanya Atherfold-Desilva Tapscott Village Co-operative Inc. Taylor Creek Co-operative Homes Tecumseh Co-operative Homes Tenants Non-Profit Redevelopment Co-operative Inc. (TNRC) Terra Cotta Housing Co-operative Terra Housing Co-operative Ltd. Terra Housing Consultants Ltd. Terra Nova Housing Co-operative Terra Property Management Ltd. Terrace Housing Co-operative Inc. The Agency for Co-operative Housing The Apartment Housing Co-operative The Auditing Union of Housing Cooperatives The Birches Housing Co-operative Limited The Cedars Housing Co-operative The City of Cornwall The City of Kingston The City of Peterborough The City of Stratford The City of Toronto The City of Windsor The Co-operators The Communications, Energy & Paperworkers Union of Canada The Corporation of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent, Housing Assets The County of Hastings The County of Huron The County of Lambton The County of Simcoe, Social Housing Division The District Municipality Muskoka The Enfield Group Inc. The Esquire Housing Co-operative Ltd. The Exchange Chartered Accountants The George Taylor Seniors Housing Co-operative The Haddrell Corporation Limited The Kakwa Ecovillage Co-operative The Meadows Co-operative Homes Inc. The Oaklands Housing Co-operative (ON) The Owners Strata Plan LMS4618 The Owners Strata Plan VR 1727 The Owners Strata Plan VR1357 The Pas Valhalla Co-operative Ltd. The Range Housing Co-operative The Restructured County of Oxford The Shediac Housing Co-operative / La Coopérative d'habitation de Shédiac Ltée. The Shefford Heritage Housing Co-operative Inc. The Social Planning and Research Council of BC The Society of Housing Opportunities and Progressive Employment The Sound Advice Consulting Co-operative Group Inc. The Waterfront Consumers' Co-operative The Waterfront Consumers\' Co-operative / Site 1 (2nd Ave) The Waterfront Consumers\' Co-operative / Site 2 (14th Ave) The Waterfront Consumers\' Co-operative / Site 3 (Keefer) The Waterfront Consumers\' Co-operative / Site 4 (3rd Ave) The Waterfront Consumers\' Co-operative / Site 5 (Charles St) The Willows Housing Cooperative Association The Zock Group Therah Village Developments Ltd. Thistledown Co-operative Apt. Ltd. Thom Armstrong Thompson Lions Seniors Manor Non-Profit Housing Thorne View Co-operative Homes Three Links Co-operative Housing (Barrie) Inc. Three Streets Housing Co-operative Inc. Thurlestone Co-operative Incorporated Tidal Bay Community Land Co-operative Limited Tidal Flats Housing Co-operative Tikva / Ben & Esther Dayson Residences Tikva Housing Society Tim Welch Consulting Inc. Tisdale Whitney Housing Co-operative Inc. Tolpuddle Housing Co-operative Inc. Tom Clement Tom Ruggle Tompkins Housing Co-operative Incorporated Toronto Co-operative (in dev'p) Toronto Disaster Relief Committee Toronto Women's Housing Co-operative Tower Heights Housing Co-operative TPM Management Ltd. Trade Union Research Bureau Trafalgar / Site 1 (2035 Trafalgar St) Trafalgar / Site 2 (2011 Larch St) Trafalgar Co-operative Housing Association Trafalgar Housing Co-operative Inc. (ON) Tranquillity Place Housing Co-operative Trent-Moira Co-operative Estates Inc. Trethewey Drive Co-operative Homes Inc. Trillium Housing Co-operative Trillium Place Housing Co-operative Triple Rock Land Cooperative Trout Lake Housing Co-operative Troy Village Housing Co-operative True North Housing Co-operative Turner Street / Site 1 (2311 Turner Street) Turner Street / Site 2 (2317 Turner Street) Turner Street Housing Co-operative Twin Oaks Housing Cooperative Twin Pine Village Housing Co-operative Inc. Twin Rainbows / Site 1 (1415 Lamey\'s Mill Road) Twin Rainbows / Site 2 (1465 Lamey\'s Mill Road) Twin Rainbows Housing Co-operative Tyee Housing Cooperative TÜRKKENT Ujamaa Housing Co-operative Inc. Unified Saint John Housing Co-op Ltd. Unión Nacional de Cooperativas de Vivienda, a/c A.C.A Union of Czech and Moravian Co-operative Housing Unité de travail pour l’implantation de lodgement étudiant (UTILE) United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America United Counties of Leeds & Grenville United Farmers of Alberta Co-op Ltd. United Food and Commercial Workers International Union Union United Steel Workers of America Canadian Office United Way of Greater Toronto Unity Non-Profit Housing Corporation Ottawa Universal Housing Co-operative Ltd. University Centre for Co-operatives University of Wisconsin Upper Hammonds Plains Housing Co-operative Ltd. Upwood Park/Salvador del Mundo Co-operative Homes Inc. Urban Green Cohousing Co-operative Ursula Kieley VAHA - Seven Sites Valerie and Jim Fox Valley Roots Housing Co-operative Ltd Valley Roots Housing Co-operative Ltd Valley Village Housing Co-operative Vancity Savings Credit Union Vancouver Co-operative Radio Vancouver Community Land Trust Foundation Vancouver East / Site 1 (1220 Salsbury Dr) Vancouver East / Site 2 (2034-36 E Pender St) Vancouver East / Site 3 (1892 & 96 Napier, 1109, 11) Vancouver East / Site 4 (2033, 37, 43 Ferndale St) Vancouver East / Site 5 (1750-1774 Grant St) Vancouver East / Site 6 (1803 Kitchener St) Vancouver East / Site 7 (1857 Venables St) Vancouver East Co-operative Housing Association Vancouver Island Bookkeeping Enterprises Vancouver Jewish Building Society Vancouver Jewish Building Society - Goodson Korsch Ventura Park Housing Co-operative Venture Place Housing Co-operative Inc. Vera Housing Co-operative Association Vesta Co-operative Homes Inc. Victoria Gardens Housing Co-operative Victoria Park Community Homes Management Project Victoria Square Co-operative Apts. View Court Housing Co-operative Vihara Housing Co-operative Viking Housing Co-operative Society Ltd. Village Canadien Co-op LtÈe. Village Glen Co-operative Homes Village Green Co-operative Homes Inc. Vineyard Co-operative Homes Inc. Waldon Place Housing Co-operative Wallis Drive Housing Co-operative Walnut Grove Housing Co-operative Washington Co-operative Housing Association Waterloo Co-operative Residence Incorporated Waterloo Region Cohousing Co-operative Watermark Co-operative Homes Watershed Co-operative Housing Association Waterside Housing Cooperative Waterside Management Welland and District Labour Council Wellington Square Co-operative Homes Inc. Wendy Dix West End Cooperative Apartments West End Seniors\' Network Society West Halifax Housing Co-operative West Heritage Manor Housing Co-operative Ltd. West Hills Co-operative Homes Inc. West Humber Community Co-operative West Rouge Housing Co-operative West Scenic Acres Housing Co-operative Ltd. Westboine Park Housing Co-operative Westboro Housing Co-operative Inc. Westdale Co-op Ltd. Westerdale Housing Co-operative Western Manitoba Seniors Non-Profit Housing Co-operative Inc. Westglen Co-operative Homes of Brantford Inc. Westminster Heights Housing Co-operative Westminster Housing Co-operative (MB) Westminster Housing Co-operative Inc. (ON) Westminster Landing Housing Co-operative Westmoor 57 Co-operative Ltd. Westmount Community Housing Co-operative Weston Residence Housing Co-operative Westridge Estates Co-operative Westwood Housing Co-operative Westwood Place Whattlekainum Housing Co-operative Whey and Whey WHIM Housing Co-operative Ltd. Whippletree West Housing Co-operative Ltd. Whitehorse Housing Co-operative Whiteley Drive Housing Co-operative Whiteoak Heritage Housing Co-operative Wicklow Co-operative Homes Wilcox Creek Housing Co-operative Wilderness Park Housing Co-operative William J. Beggs Housing Co-operative William Lyon Mackenzie Housing Co-operative Inc. William Peak Co-operative Homes William Punnett Housing Co-operative Inc. Williams, Payne & Associates Willmar Eight Housing Co-operative Inc. Willow Glen Co-operative Willow Park East Housing Co-op Ltd. Willow Park Housing Co-operative (Mb) Willow Park Housing Co-operative (ON) Willowside Housing Co-operative Inc. Windfield Co-operative Homes Windmill Developments Windmill Line Co-operative Homes Inc. Windward Co-operative Homes Inc. Windy Woods Co-operative Homes of London Inc. Wingale Housing Co-operative Winkleigh Co-operative Housing Corporation Winnipeg Housing Rehabilitation Corporation Winona Housing Co-operative Inc. WISHS Housing Co-operative Wit's End Housing Co-operative Woburn Village Co-operative Homes Inc. Wolfville Habitat Co-operative Ltd. Women's Community Co-operative Inc. Wood Tree Co-operative Inc. Woodfield Housing Co-operative Inc. Woodland Estates Housing Co-operative Woodland Park Housing Co-operative Woodrose Co-operative Homes Inc. Woodsworth Housing Co-operative Incorporated Wyandot Co-operative Homes Inc. Wyndham Hill Housing Co-operative Homes Inc. Yarl Co-operative Homes Yew / Site 1 (2204 W. 13th) Yew / Site 2 (2214 W. 13th) Yew / Site 3 (2218 W. 13th) Yew Street Housing Co-operative YH - Rakennuttajakeskus Oy York Non-Profit Housing Society Co-operative Yukon Federation of Labour Yukon Housing Corporation Yule Manor Co-operative Homes Incorporated YWCA Metro Vancouver Zwiazek Rewizyjny Spoldielni Mieszkaniowych RP Österreichischer Verband Gemeinnutziger Bauvereinigungen - Province: Choisissez une province AB BC MB NB NL NS NT NU ON PE QC SK YT Quebec